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About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a medical treatment that involves the use of small needles being inserted into the skin, as a way to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. This medical system was developed in China over 3,000 years ago and has been proven to treat a variety of medical conditions. Considered safe and effective, acupuncture has been used by millions of people worldwide to provide natural results for both common and uncommon healthcare concerns.  Below is a list of the most common patient complaints which, according to the World Health Organization, acupuncture may effectively treat.

We use acupuncture to treat:


Auto-immune System Diseases:


Muscular and Nervous System Disorders:


Disorders of the Ear, Nose and Throat:

​Respiratory Disorders:


Gastrointestinal Disorders:


Gynecological Disorders:

  • PMS

  • Abdominal cramps

  • Irritability

  • Food cravings

  • Menopause (Menopausal symptoms)

  • Irregular menstrual flow

  • Cystitis

  • Irregular or heavy periods

  • Urinary disorders


Emotional Disorders and Addictions:



  • Infertility issues in both men and women are commonly treated with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Join our growing list of proud parents! Click here for more information on how acupuncture can help with fertility issues.

Acupuncture works in a variety of ways for health issues. The needles themselves cause a massive release of endorphins which are the body's natural painkillers and also cause relaxation and a decrease in anxiety. For pain, it has been shown to block the large nerve fibers that send pain signals to the brain thereby decreasing perceived pain. Acupuncture can also decrease inflammatory markers that are responsible for inflammation which decreases pain and helps the body be able to heal. Histamine in the body can be very good for allergies and sensitivities. 


For chronic pain, the theory is it actually affects how the brain perceives pain. Not only will it help with the pain itself but it also downregulates what the brain perceives as painful which can help get people out of a chronic pain cycle they are in.


This is only a partial list of ailments that we treat.  We specialize in Allergies, Migraines, Severe Chronic Pain, and Men's Sexual Health. More information about how acupuncture works can be found in our F.A.Q. page under the question “How does Acupuncture Work?”. 

We have the solution!  Pristine Acupuncture and Wellness in Black Mountain can treat these problems and many more!

Acupuncture Testimonials

Mike is a kind and caring acupuncturist. He took the time to really listen to me and figure out how best to treat me. I enjoyed the treatments he provided & would highly recommend him. - Heidi Morrison, Asheville

I have always been impressed by Michael's knowledge and the level of care for each of his patients.  He is personable and takes the time to get to know everyone and their needs. If you are thinking about acupuncture, call Michael Johnson at his new office in Black Mountain. - Stephanie Smith

Black Mountain Acupuncture Testimonial 3
Female Portrait

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